Conexión en tiempo real

Conectamos, con otros estudios, con la máxima calidad de audio. Somos el único estudio de las islas equipado con conexión con otros estudios.
Sistema de conexión punto a punto con el cual podemos conectarnos en tiempo real con cualquier estudio de grabación del mundo.
De esta manera, desde cualquier parte del mundo, un cliente que necesite un locutor de nuestro catálogo podrá realizar la grabación en tiempo real. De la misma manera, este tipo de conexión nos brinda la posibilidad de disponer en tiempo real de cualquier locutor internacional independientemente de su ubicación.

Estudios disponibles
Dream media | Spain | Canarias |
Alta Frecuencia Madrid | Spain | Madrid |
Buena Vista Internacional | Spain | Madrid |
Audio-Spot | Spain | Madrid |
El Cortes Ingles | Spain | Madrid |
Eurosonic S.A. | Spain | Madrid |
Molinare | Spain | Madrid |
Multitracker | Spain | Madrid |
Roberto Gimenez | Spain | Madrid |
Sonoblok | Spain | Barcelona |
Redback | Spain | Barcelona |
Estudios Duy | Spain | Barcelona |
Alibey Sonido S.A. | Spain | Barcelona |
Audio Clip | Spain | Barcelona |
Estudios Carbonell | Spain | Barcelona |
Redback | Spain | Barcelona |
Movie Movie | Spain | Barcelona |
Sonodigi | Spain | Barcelona |
Classic & New | Spain | Barcelona |
CYO Estudios Audio-lines | Spain | Barcelona |
Oido | Spain | Barcelona |
Alta Frecuencia Sevilla | Spain | Sevilla |
Estudios Andro | Spain | Valencia |
DSM Producciones | Spain | León |
MG Sound | Austria | Vienna |
Sound Design | Austria | Vienna |
TIC Music | Austria | Vienna |
TonStudio Holly | Austria | Vienna |
Audio Tonstudio | Austria | Vienna |
Prisma Film | Austria | Vienna |
Soundtrack | Austria | Linz |
Viennasound Studio | Austria | Vienna |
Solid Sound Productions | Austria | Hall in Tirol |
Waldes Scenic Systems | Austria | Linz |
Gerryland Funkwerbung | Austria | Vienna |
Soundtrack Music & Video | Austria | Vienna |
Cosmix Studios Digital A. | Austria | Vienna |
Hr. Thomas Kohlwein | Austria | Vienna |
ORF Oesterreichischer | Austria | Innsbruck |
Barrandov Studio as | C Republic | Prague |
RTBF | Belgium | Brussels |
Peeters Productions | Belgium | Antwerp |
FREE SON Production | Belgium | Brussels |
Sun Studio Denmark | Denmark | Copenhagen NV |
Lydselskabet | Denmark | Copenhagen K |
Production ApS | Denmark | Copenhagen K |
Dictum Studios | Finland | Helsinki |
Prod. House Werne OY | Finland | Helsinki |
Buena Vista** | France | Paris |
Studios Guillaume Tell | France | Paris |
Wolfgang W. Becker | France | Biarritz |
Ouistiti Music | France | Paris |
Vox Populi | France | Lyon |
BMG Ariola Studios | Germany | Munich |
Sonde Syndication | Germany | Freiburg |
Hastings Music Dusseldorf | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Studio Funk Frankfurt | Germany | Frankfurt |
S.P.O.T. Tonstudio | Germany | Frankfurt |
Berliner Synchron GmbH | Germany | Berlin |
T.h.e. Sound Berlin | Germany | Berlin |
MME-Tonstudios | Germany | Berlin |
Studio Funk Berlin | Germany | Berlin |
Studio Funk Dusseldorf | Germany | Dusseldorf |
T.h.e. Sound | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Voss TV -Ateliers | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Basement Audio GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt |
Biton Produktion | Germany | Frankfurt |
FunDeMental Music Studios | Germany | Frankfurt |
TonAtelier | Germany | Frankfurt |
Complete audio GmbH | Germany | Hamburg |
Creative Studios HH | Germany | Hamburg |
Hastings Music Hamburg | Germany | Hamburg |
Loft Tonstudios | Germany | Hamburg |
Studio Funk Hamburg | Germany | Hamburg |
Voice Control Studio | Germany | Hamburg |
Werner Reinke | Germany | Kronberg |
Buena Vista Intl. Dubbing | Germany | Munich |
Hastings Music München | Germany | Munich |
Westpark Studios | Germany | Munich |
Gerryland Funkwerbung | Germany | Wurzburg |
M.W.P. Medienwerkstatt | Germany | Frankfurt |
Tonstudios/Verlag | Germany | Stuttgart |
Bros. Music | Germany | Weil am Rhein |
Frontal Tonstudios GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt |
SSG Comercials | Germany | Wurzburg |
Gerhard Alzen | Germany | Cologne |
Giesing Team | Germany | Munich |
Sonopress | Germany | Guetersloh |
Studio Funk KG Dusseldorf | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Tonstudio Ruessmann | Germany | Hennef |
Studio 57 | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Synergie Studio | Germany | Bad Vilbel |
just productions GmbH | Germany | Munich |
Rudas Tonstudios GmbH | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Martin Arnhold | Germany | Saarbruecken |
Listen! Komposition und Ton | Germany | Stuttgart |
Sinus AV Studio GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt |
Skyline GmbH | Germany | Dusseldorf |
TV Studio GmbH | Germany | Hamburg |
Blue 3'30 Sounddesign | Germany | Munich |
Selling Spot GmbH | Germany | Bremen |
United Audio | Germany | Hamburg |
Hekto&Rydzewski Bild&Ton | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Spectrum Wort-und | Germany | Buehlertal |
Audimax GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt |
Blue Chip GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt |
Tongalerie | Germany | Frankfurt |
Radio RPR | Germany | Koblenz |
Gary Jones Moonlight Prod. | Germany | Neunkirchen |
Wolfgang Messer | Germany | Buehlertal |
Martina Draeger | Germany | Frechen |
Instant Records GmbH | Germany | Munich |
Voss Audio Design GmbH | Germany | Cologne |
Rainer Maria Ehrhardt | Germany | Friedrichshof |
Hahn Nitzsche Studios | Germany | Hamburg |
Studio Funk KG Frankfurt | Germany | Frankfurt |
Hastings Music Rhein-Main | Germany | Mainz-Kastel |
Listen! und Ton - Koln | Germany | Cologne |
Rene Trojandt | Germany | Seeburg |
Radio Chemnitz 102,1 | Germany | Chemnitz |
Sound Jack Tonstudios | Germany | Chemnitz |
Filmhaus GmbH | Germany | Berlin |
Johannisthal Synchron | Germany | Berlin |
Martin Schafer | Germany | Frankfurt |
Gisa Schmidt | Germany | Frankfurt |
M& S Tonstudio GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt |
M.W.P Medienwerstatt | Germany | Frankfurt |
Kruger & Kruger Studios | Germany | Hamburg |
Radio Neckarburg GmbH | Germany | Eschbronn |
Opus Media GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt |
Parviz Mir-Ali | Germany | Frankfurt |
Radio Tele FFH | Germany | Frankfurt |
Schleuse 15 Produktions | Germany | Frankfurt |
Konken Studios KG | Germany | Hamburg |
MBS Studios OHG | Germany | Hamburg |
Radio RPR. | Germany | Cologne |
Radio Leipzig | Germany | Leipzig |
Cut! Studio Martin Futschik | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Jankowski Tonstudio GmbH | Germany | Stuttgart |
Radio Zwickau | Germany | Zwickau |
Bodo Venten | Germany | Monchengladbach |
Dirk Fenselau | Germany | Duisburg |
Studio Herold & Besser | Germany | Frankfurt |
East Impact for Media | Germany | Auerswalde |
Hastings Music GmbH | Germany | Berlin |
Audio Media Service | Germany | Bielefeld |
A.R.T Studios | Germany | Frankfurt |
Studio 507 | Germany | Munich |
Antenne Thueringen | Germany | Weimar |
Tyton Records Tonstudios | Germany | Chemnitz |
3Klang Musikproduktion | Germany | Dusseldorf |
Tonhaus Hamburg | Germany | Hamburg |
Sound Tonproduktionen | Germany | Cologne |
Film & Fernseh-Synchron | Germany | Munich |
Fachwerk Musikproduktion | Germany | Spalt |
Sprecherpool Ost | Germany | Chemnitz |
Film & Fernseh-Synchron | Germany | Berlin |
SAT1 Berlin | Germany | Berlin |
Studio Funk KG. | Germany | Berlin |
Das Werk GmbH | Germany | Dusseldorf |
W.W.B Gmbh | Germany | Wehrheim |
Olaf Renoldi | Germany | Bermersheim |
Herr Johannes Steck | Germany | Darmstadt |
Patrick Feiter | Germany | Monchengladbach |
Frau Uta Kienemann | Germany | Munich |
Radio Hundert, 6 | Germany | Berlin |
Hessischer Rundfunk ard St | Germany | Frankfurt |
Power Music Productions | Greece | Athens |
CEL Studios | Ireland | Dublin |
R.T.E. | Ireland | Dublin |
Moynihan Russell Studios | Ireland | Dublin |
Number 4 | Ireland | Dublin |
Beacon Studios | Ireland | Dublin |
Ardmore Sound | Ireland | Bray |
Mach 2 | Italy | Milan |
Radio Poplare | Italy | Milan |
RM Edizioni Musicali | Italy | Rome |
Royfilm | Italy | Rome |
Hor. El. s.r.l. | Italy | Prato |
Tube s.r.l. | Italy | Milan |
Cat Sound Studios | Italy | Rome |
BRK Production | Italy | Rome |
Music Production s.r.l. | Italy | Milan |
Peperoncino Studio s.r.l. | Italy | Milan |
Mediabuster | Italy | Milan |
Telenor Carrier Services | Norway | Oslo |
Tvert Imot A.S | Norway | Oslo |
Sun Studio Norway | Norway | Oslo |
Jump Studios | Norway | Oslo |
Cantinho da Musica Lda | Portugal | Lisbon |
Ideias E Letras | Portugal | Linda-A-Velha |
Matinha Estudios | Portugal | Lisbon |
Cantinho da Música | Portugal | Lisbon |
Citysom | Portugal | Lisbon |
Ediberto Lima Producoes | Portugal | Cascais |
Pangljud AB | Sweden | Stockholm |
MIC Studio AB | Sweden | Stockholm |
Forsberg & Co | Sweden | Stockholm |
Pistoria & Wuthrich | Switzerland | Zurich |
Musix ! and Voices | Switzerland | Basel |
Jingle Jungle Soundstudio | Switzerland | Zurich |
Studios Aquarius SA | Switzerland | Geneva |
Versions Originales | Switzerland | Neuchatel |
studios phd sa | Switzerland | Lausanne |
Studio Bellerive, Condor | Switzerland | Zurich |
Jingle Jungle Soundstudio | Switzerland | Zurich |
Tonstudios Z AG | Switzerland | Zurich |
Mase Doublage de Film SA | Switzerland | Geneva |
Digilab | Switzerland | Cureglia |
SDS Sound Design Studios | Switzerland | Ostermundigen |
Radio BeO Berner Oberland | Switzerland | Interlaken |
Hastings AG Zurich | Switzerland | Zurich |
NJP New Jungle Prod. | Switzerland | Kussnacht ZH |
Betonierwerk Audio | Switzerland | Zurich |
Dinemec Studios | Switzerland | Geneva |
Thomas C. Gass | Switzerland | Basel |
Radio Chablais | Switzerland | Monthey |
Rhone FM | Switzerland | Sion |
The Cover Media | Switzerland | Basel |
Studio Maunoir | Switzerland | Geneva |
Selmi Tonstudio | Switzerland | Zurich |
Studio Shazam | Switzerland | Geneva |
JTM Productions | Netherlands | Hilversum |
Wim Vonk Studios | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Wisseloord Studios | Netherlands | Hilversum |
Omroep Limburg | Netherlands | Maastricht |
Multi-Voice Int'l Voice | Netherlands | Hilversum |
Sky Radio | Netherlands | Naarden |
RBS/Producers Workshop | Netherlands | Rotterdam |
Eurovoice | Netherlands | Rotterdam |
Soundwise BV | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
John Bake Sound Studios | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Lukkien Digital Studios | Netherlands | Ede |
Sun Studio Holland | Netherlands | Bussum |
Radio Rijnmond | Netherlands | |
Paul Weijenberg Studios | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Alfred Klaasen Geluidstudio | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Andre Rieu Productions BV | Netherlands | Maastricht |
BTP | Netherlands | Bunschoten |
Bos Muziek Produkties | Netherlands | Hilversum |
Drake Automation | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Gort Sound & Music | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
Marco Sound | Netherlands | Amsterdam |
NOB Verbindingscentrum | Netherlands | Hilversum |
NOB RTV Productions | Netherlands | Hilversum |
Nozema | Netherlands | Lopikerkapel |
Omroep Brabant | Netherlands | Eindhoven |
The Tape Gallery | UK | London |
Joe & Co. | UK | London |
Funny Farm Recording | UK | Haddington |
BBC Radio Centre | UK | London |
Classic FM | UK | London |
H2O Enterprises | UK | London |
Magmasters | UK | London |
Mike Stock* | UK | London |
Saunders & Gordon | UK | London |
The Bridge | UK | London |
Whitfield Street* | UK | London |
BBC North | UK | Manchester |
Shepherd & Sound Studios | UK | London |
C.T.S. Studio | UK | Wembley |
Audio Processing Tech. | UK | Belfast |
Space Facilities Ltd. | UK | London |
BT Integrated Services | UK | London |
Picture Production Co. | UK | London |
Real World Studios | UK | Box |
Silk Sound | UK | London |
Grand Central | UK | London |
BBC Wood | UK | Evesham |
Vidfilm Europe | UK | Uxbridge |
Amber Music | UK | London |
Two Counties Radio (2CR) | UK | Bournemouth |
Independent Media Distri. | UK | London |
Green Dolphin Studios | UK | Belfast |
De Lane Lea | UK | London |
Zoo Music | UK | London |
Interwave, Ltd. | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro |
Post Modern Sound | Canada | Vancouver |
Deschamps Recording | Canada | Toronto |
VO2 Mix | Canada | Toronto |
Manta Eastern Sound | Canada | Toronto |
Listen! Audio | Canada | Montreal |
The Beach | Canada | Calgary |
Studio Marko | Canada | Montreal |
Dave Audio / Dome Productions | Canada | Toronto |
Doug Paulson at the Vault Studio | Canada | Toronto |
Studio La Majeure, Inc. | Canada | Montreal |
Casablanca Sound Services | Canada | Toronto |
Skye Productions Inc | Canada | Toronto |
Post-M ( Le Groupe) | Canada | Montreal |
Lonesome Pine Studios Inc | Canada | Toronto |
Jungle Music Productions | Canada | Toronto |
Dick & Rogers | Canada | Vancouver |
Studio Expression | Canada | Quebec |
Productions Audio Z Inc | Canada | Montreal |
Alfa Recording | Puerto Rico | San Juan |
Miracle Mind Recording | USA | New Jersey |
Audio Post Philadelphia, INC | USA | Philadelphia |
Atlantic Video | USA | Washington |
Audio Com | USA | Toledo |
Audio Department Recording | USA | New York |
Audio Master | USA | Washington |
Audio Productions | USA | Nashville |
Audio Recording Unlimited Inc | USA | Chicago |
Bad Animals | USA | Seattle |
Baker Sound Studios, Inc. | USA | Philadelphia |
Bell Sound | USA | Los Angeles |
Bill O'Connor | USA | Kensington |
BLT&T | USA | Rancho Santa Fe |
Buzzy's Recording | USA | Los Angeles |
Catspaw Productions, Inc. | USA | Atlanta |
Center City Film & Video | USA | Philadelphia |
Boomtown / Keller & Cohen | USA | San Francisco |
Cerny American Creative | USA | Chicago |
Chicago Recording Company | USA | Chicago |
Tentric | USA | Baltimore |
Clean Cuts Music | USA | Baltimore |
Commercial Recording | USA | Independence |
Crawford Communications | USA | Atlanta |
Davis*Glick Productions | USA | Los Angeles |
Eastside Audio and Video | USA | New York |
Ed Green - Voice Talent | USA | New York |
Emerald Sound Studios | USA | Nashville |
Flite Three | USA | Baltimore |
GTN | USA | Oak Park (Detroit) |
Hal Douglas | USA | Lovettsville |
Henninger Digital Audio | USA | Arlington |
Howard Schwartz Recording | USA | New York |
Globecast North America | USA | Los Angeles |
Cups 'N Strings | USA | Los Angeles |
Interface Video | USA | Washington |
Invincible Productions | USA | San Diego |
In Your Ear Music | USA | Richmond |
Lotas Productions | USA | New York |
L.A. Studios ( Fred & Ethel) | USA | Los Angeles |
MPL Film & Video | USA | Memphis |
Pure Audio / MacDonald | USA | Seattle |
Magnetic Studios, Inc. | USA | Columbus |
Margarita Mix / Hollywood | USA | Los Angeles |
Master Audio Productions | USA | Morristown |
Mike Pengra & Co -Voice Over | USA | Dayton |
Mills/James Productions | USA | Columbus |
The Mix Place | USA | New York |
Mixed Nuts | USA | New York |
MVI Post | USA | Seven Corners |
National Sound | USA | New York |
Nick Michaels' Studio | USA | Miami |
Outlaw Sound | USA | Los Angeles |
Photo Magnetic Sound | USA | New York |
ProComm Studio Services, Inc. | USA | Arden |
Producers Color Service | USA | Southfield (Detroit) |
Real to Reel # 1 | USA | Dallas |
RMR Studios | USA | New York |
Rodel Audio | USA | Washington |
Sheldon Smith | USA | Arlington |
Ron Rose Productions | USA | Southfield |
Ron Rose Productions | USA | Southfield |
Ron Rose, Grace & Wild | USA | Farmington Hills |
SSI Advanced Post Services | USA | Los Angeles |
Shooters | USA | Cherry Hill |
Sigma Sound | USA | Philadelphia |
Skyview Film & Video | USA | Chicago |
SoundHound | USA | New York |
Sound Images | USA | Cincinnati |
Sound Patrol | USA | New York |
The Sound Room | USA | Los Angeles |
Sound Services Inc. | USA | Los Angeles |
Sound Techniques | USA | Boston |
Soundtrack Studios | USA | New York |
Soundtrack Studios' | USA | Boston |
Soundtrack, Inc. | USA | Miami |
SoundTrek-Broadway | USA | Kansas City |
Soundwave Incorporated | USA | Arlington |
Streeterville Studios | USA | Chicago |
Studios at Linden Oaks | USA | Rochester |
Studio Soren | USA | Denver |
Superdupe Creations | USA | New York |
Tabby Sound | USA | New York |
Tanglewood Productions | USA | Reno |
The Tape Works | USA | Hartford |
Transmedia | USA | San Francisco |
Voices | USA | New York |
Voiceworks Recording Studio | USA | Minneapolis |
Wallabee Multimedia | USA | Bala Cynwyd (Phily) |
Waves Sound Recorders | USA | Los Angeles |
Beachwood Studios | USA | Cleveland |
Fox Studio / NYC | USA | New York |
Liebert Recording Studios | USA | New York |
SOS Productions | USA | Columbus |
Tom Hair | USA | Yorktown Heights |
Boutwell Recording | USA | Birmingham |
Sound Vendors - Dick Ervasti | USA | Los Angeles |
Audio Processing Technology | USA | Los Angeles |
Hollywood Digital | USA | Los Angeles |
CapitolStudios/Tower Mastering | USA | Los Angeles |
KRON-TV | USA | San Francisco |
Music Annex Post | USA | San Francisco |
Machine Head | USA | Venice |
Blank Productions | USA | Redding |
Henninger Capitol | USA | Washington |
Naomi Robin | USA | Washington |
John Badila-Great Falls | USA | Washington |
Broadcast Video | USA | Miami |
RKM Studios | USA | Atlanta |
Producers Video Corp. | USA | Baltimore |
Martha Manning | USA | Edgewater |
Demo Chrissos | USA | Gaithersburg |
Cookhouse | USA | Minneapolis |
Editech Post Production | USA | Omaha |
Mark Barash Music | USA | New York |
Jim Jam Inc. | USA | La Grangeville |
Jay Howard Production Audio | USA | Charlotte |
Goldman Productions | USA | Cincinnati |
StarTrak | USA | Warwick |
Archer Productions | USA | Nashville |
Southwest Teleproductions | USA | Dallas |
Eric Gordon | USA | Park City |
Production Group | USA | Spokane |
Swell Pictures | USA | Chicago |
D'elia Witkofski | USA | Pittsburgh |
Bill Ratner | USA | Los Angeles |
Commercial Refinery | USA | Baltimore |
KRON-TV II / Pete Wilson | USA | Mill Valley |
A-Z Productions, Inc. | USA | Los Angeles |
Alan Ett Music Group | USA | Los Angeles |
Avenue Edit | USA | Chicago |
EDnet | USA | San Francisco |
Emerald Studios | USA | San Antonio |
Framework Sound | USA | Los Angeles |
Full House | USA | New York |
Hollywood Recording Services | USA | Los Angeles |
Doug Jeffers - Announcer | USA | Katonah |
Mix Magic | USA | Los Angeles |
The Town Crier | USA | Clarksville |
Revomedia | USA | Rowayton |
Global Digital Datacom | USA | East Farmingdale |
Cutters | USA | Chicago |
Family Channel | USA | Virginia Beach |
Music Annex Recording | USA | Menlo Park |
Sound 80 | USA | Minneapolis |
Spots BME, Inc. | USA | Chicago |
Williamson / Evans | USA | Greenville |
Nakamoto Productions | USA | Rancho Cordova |
Voice Overs & Light Hauling | USA | Pacifica |
Franz Russell / Lowcountry | USA | HIlton Head |
Gold Sound | USA | Southfield |
Airwave Recording Studio | USA | Birmingham |
Admusic, Inc. | USA | Los Angeles |
Absolute Pitch | USA | Bethesda |
Kaleidoscope Films, Inc. | USA | Los Angeles |
Musicwave | USA | New York |
Spotland Productions | USA | Nashville |
SoundTrek-Belleview | USA | Kansas City |
SoundTrek-Barton | USA | Overland Park |
National Media Systems | USA | Alexandria |
Stratton / Talks, Inc. | USA | Boulder |
KCBS-TV | USA | Los Angeles |
Caboose Productions | USA | Indianapolis |
National Boston Video Center | USA | Boston |
Radio In The Nude | USA | Boston |
Cassidy Recording Universal | USA | Southfield (Detroit) |
Bernard Company | USA | Dayton |
Clack Sound Studio | USA | New York |
Palestrini Post Production | USA | New York |
Cassidy Company Inc | USA | Orlando |
Madison Park Productions | USA | Cincinnati |
Production Master Inc. | USA | Pittsburgh |
Video Wisconsin | USA | Brookfield |
Milwaukee Sound Studio Inc. | USA | Milwaukee |
Soundtrax Audio Post | USA | Raleigh |
Kris Stevens Enterprises | USA | Calabasas |
R.J. Allison / The Hot Spot | USA | North Haven |
Buzz | USA | New York |
Allgood Productions | USA | Atlanta |
Harry Chase Productions, Inc. | USA | West Redding |
LewmanVoices | USA | Clarksville |
Pacific Ocean Post | USA | Los Angeles |
PGA Tour Productions | USA | Jacksonville |
Richard Courtney | USA | Monterey |
Voicetrax West | USA | Los Angeles |
Wheeler Audio | USA | Kansas City |
Star Trax | USA | New York |
Oasis Studios | USA | Reno |
Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome | USA | McLean |
AudioBanks | USA | Los Angeles |
Alan Cagan Productions | USA | New York |
Associated Production Music | USA | Los Angeles |
Nutmeg | USA | New York |
Suite Sound | USA | Pittsburgh |
TLA Productions | USA | San Francisco |
Warner-Hollywood Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
WFOR-TV | USA | Miami |
DJM Films | USA | New York |
USA Network | USA | Jersey City |
Big Bear Productions | USA | Louisville |
No Soap Productions | USA | New York |
Pfeifer Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
Post Edge - South Beach | USA | Miami |
The Reel Thing | USA | Cleveland |
Roland House | USA | Arlington |
Stephen Newman | USA | New York |
TeleTalent Recording Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
Turner International Dubbing | USA | Los Angeles |
Evolution Audio | USA | Kansas City |
Editel - Chicago | USA | Chicago |
Baron & Baron Productions | USA | New York |
National Broadcasting | USA | New York |
Disney Character Voices ** | USA | Los Angeles |
Big Shot Productions | USA | Baltimore |
Audio Rents | USA | Los Angeles |
Henninger Baltimore | USA | Baltimore |
Big Shoulders | USA | Chicago |
Dill Productions | USA | Birmingham |
Ackerman McQueen | USA | Oklahoma City |
Russian Hill Recording | USA | San Francisco |
Paul & Walt Worldwide | USA | Los Angeles |
One Union Recording Studio | USA | San Francisco |
Ed Gallaway | USA | Charlotte |
Downstream Editorial | USA | Portland |
Wood-Holly Productions | USA | Los Angeles |
Alan Bleviss / Pineapple | USA | Short Hills |
D.C. Post | USA | Washington |
Musikvergnuegen/Walter | USA | Sherman Oaks |
BH Audio, Inc. | USA | Towson |
Todd AO | USA | Los Angeles |
Jon Lee | USA | Stamford |
Mark Winston Productions | USA | Tampa |
Hollywood Center Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
Sheila Hart | USA | Jenison |
Digifon | USA | Fairfield |
David Bartley Sound | USA | Arlington |
Clatter & Din | USA | Seattle |
Disney Ideas Disney / MGM | USA | Orlando |
DubeyTunes Studios | USA | San Francisco |
Plotkin Music | USA | New York |
TOP-VOICE Inc ( Polaris) | USA | Poulsbo |
Soundscape Productions | USA | Los Angeles |
TCI | USA | Littleton |
Turner Productions | USA | Atlanta |
Wave Works / AVS Post | USA | Washington |
Shelly Johnson | USA | Kalamazoo |
Random Bus Studios | USA | New York |
Big Science Recording | USA | Pittsburgh |
Asche & Spencer Music | USA | Minneapolis |
J Walter Thompson Co. | USA | New York |
PR Music | USA | Detroit |
Ron Rolland Inc. | USA | Lake Forest |
Fullwood Marketing | USA | Raleigh |
Video Post & Transfer # 1 | USA | Dallas |
Video Post & Transfer # 2 | USA | Dallas |
Servisound Inc. | USA | New York |
Servisound Palace | USA | South Norwalk |
Bair Tracks | USA | Atlanta |
ABC Radio Network | USA | New York |
Dan Williams Music | USA | Nashville |
Earforce | USA | Seattle |
Ed Hopkins | USA | Porter Ranch |
FOX Sports / KTTV | USA | Los Angeles |
Giaronomo Productions Inc. | USA | New York |
Microsoft Corporation | USA | Redmond |
National Video Centre West | USA | West Port |
Ravenswork | USA | Venice |
Shapiro Music | USA | Boston |
WB Network ** | USA | Los Angeles |
Wolff Brothers Digital Audio | USA | Atlanta |
Worldwide Wadio | USA | Los Angeles |
Yessian Music | USA | Farmington Hills |
John Driscoll | USA | Toluca Lake |
Alan Barzman | USA | Los Angeles |
Aural Fixations | USA | New York |
Ron Rose, Legends | USA | Southfield |
We Three Castners Ltd. | USA | Boulder |
Voiceworks Stanley Anderson | USA | Woodland Hills |
Voice of Paul Anthony | USA | Washington |
Soundscapes | USA | Little Rock |
Rick Russell | USA | Conway |
Post Edge - Hollywood, FL | USA | Hollywood |
AudioImage | USA | Richmond |
McHale Barone | USA | New York |
Horizon Film & Video | USA | Austin |
EarWorks | USA | Virginia Beach |
Doppler Studios | USA | Atlanta |
Dallas Sound Lab | USA | Irving |
Crescendo! Studios | USA | San Francisco |
Complex (The) | USA | Los Angeles |
Complete Post | USA | Los Angeles |
NFL Films | USA | Mount Laurel |
Acoustech | USA | Atlanta |
Wheeler Audio - Missouri | USA | Kansas City |
Red Car | USA | New York |
IO Studios Inc | USA | Austin |
Charlie Glaize | USA | Virginia Beach |
Command Productions | USA | San Francisco |
Doug Hall Music Inc. | USA | Montclair |
Dolphin Recording Studio Inc. | USA | Hilton Head |
Global Groove Inc | USA | Elmont |
Asche & Spencer Music Inc | USA | Los Angeles |
Sasquasch Sound Inc. | USA | New York |
WCRB Charles River | USA | Waltham |
KXTV Channel 10 | USA | San Francisco |
ABC TV Network Group | USA | Los Angeles |
Vidfilm | USA | Los Angeles |
Gil Andrews / Nierika VO | USA | Clinton |
Barton Voice & Sound | USA | Lexington |
Image Express | USA | Detroit |
Todd AO / Editworks | USA | Atlanta |
Big Foote Communications | USA | New York |
Westlake Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
850 Productions | USA | Chicago |
ASA Productions / September | USA | Indianapolis |
Becomings Inc./ Snazmodyne | USA | Los Angeles |
Cattle Productions | USA | Osterville |
Dean Kravitz Music, Inc | USA | Cliffside Park |
Gene Galusha VO Xpress | USA | Catskill |
Marquee Productions | USA | Los Angeles |
Pomann Sound | USA | New York |
The Sound Asylum | USA | Tampa |
Trackwork Orange | USA | Chicago |
Tracy Bagli - Voice Over | USA | Washington |
Vogelsound | USA | Charlevoix |
Mondophonix | USA | Los Angeles |
VoiceGuy ( John Beach) | USA | New York |
Cutler Creative Radio / TV | USA | New York |
Westlake Audio | USA | Los Angeles |
Media Resource Group | USA | Cleveland |
Chicago Recording Company' | USA | Chicago |
Sunspot Productions | USA | Orlando |
Studio Tech | USA | Dallas |
Advantage Productions | USA | Ft. Meyers |
Chris Bell Music & Sound Design | USA | Los Angeles |
Finishing Group | USA | Milwaukee |
Forest Post | USA | Farmington Hills |
Grand Central Post | USA | St. Louis |
NEA | USA | Washington |
Oracle Music | USA | Pontiac |
Screen Music Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
Contino Inc. | USA | Fallston |
Chicago Recording Company. | USA | Chicago |
PVS Speer International | USA | Washington |
Stokes Group | USA | Dallas |
TeleScene ( KUTV) | USA | Salt Lake City |
Up/down Sound inc. | USA | New York |
Village Recorders | USA | Los Angeles |
West End Recording | USA | Tampa |
WNYW TV | USA | New York |
Broadcast Supply Worldwide | USA | Tacoma |
Grey Advertising Inc. | USA | New York |
River City Studios | USA | Grand Rapids |
Bradley Broadcast & Pro Audio | USA | Rockville |
ICM c/o Jeff Davis | USA | Los Angeles |
National Education Video | USA | Naples |
ripple FX | USA | Indianapolis |
Shootfirst Editorial | USA | New York |
Sound Asylum | USA | Tampa |
Videofonics | USA | Raleigh |
Michael Whalen Music | USA | Needham |
Eventworks | USA | Cleveland |
The Vision Factory | USA | St. Louis |
Sunspots Productions | USA | Fletcher |
TK Sequence America Inc | USA | Los Angeles |
Unitel Post | USA | New York |
Bell Sound Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
DDB Needham Los Angeles | USA | Los Angeles |
Sonic Images Recorders | USA | Los Angeles |
Voice Imaging | USA | |
Waves Recording | USA | Los Angeles |
Laborteaux | USA | Toluca Lake |
Emagine | USA | New York |
Film & Tape Works | USA | Chicago |
Geof Benson Music | USA | Chicago |
Bite of the Big Apple | USA | Annapolis |
Mess Hall Music | USA | Montclair |
Vivox Productions | USA | New York |
BBP Recording Studios | USA | Los Angeles |
Campbell Ewald Advertising | USA | Warren |
Chelsea Post | USA | New York |
Circa Music | USA | Dublin |
Dan Gold Voice Overs | USA | St. Peters |
Dig It Audio | USA | New York |
Gizmo Electronic Post | USA | New York |
Harmanie Park | USA | Detroit |
Headroom Digital Audio | USA | New York |
Kamen Audio | USA | New York |
L.A.Studio ( Ricky - Lucy) | USA | Los Angeles |
Livewire Music | USA | Southfield |
Liz Noone - VO Talent | USA | Washington |
Lower East Side Audio | USA | New York |
Maja Music | USA | Philadelphia |
Manhatten Transfer Miami | USA | Miami Beach |
North Coast | USA | Pittsburgh |
Progressive Image Group / Soho | USA | New York |
Radioland Inc @ Margarita Mix | USA | Los Angeles |
Real to Reel # 2 | USA | Dallas |
The Radio Spot | USA | Dallas |
Trail Mix | USA | Minneapolis |
Warner Brothers Studio | USA | Los Angeles |
Warrenwood Sound | USA | Los Angeles |
WB Doner Agency | USA | Southfield |
WB Media Complex LLC | USA | Los Angeles |
Zona Player | USA | Los Angeles |
Creative Group Inc | USA | New York |
The Media Resource Group | USA | Cleveland |
Stellar Sound Studios | Australia | Sydney |
Taffix Solutions | Brunei | Bandar Seri |
Walt Disney** | Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
Asia Television Ltd. | Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
Tv Broadcasts Ltd. | Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
Turner Cartoon Net. | Hong Kong | Chai Wan |
Radio Television | Hong Kong | Kowloon |
Israeli Broadcast | Israel | Jerusalem |
Israeli Broadcast | Israel | Tel Aviv |
Non Stop Radio | Israel | Tel Aviv |
NTT Satellite Centre | Japan | Tokyo |
Walt Disney Company | Japan | Tokyo |
Sapporo Eizo Studio | Japan | Hokkaido |
Fukushima Creative | Japan | Fukushima |
Hoso Seisaku Co. Ltd. | Japan | Kagawa |
Studio Hi | Japan | Toyama |
STEP Corporation | Japan | Osaka |
1991 | Japan | Tokyo |
First Sounds | Japan | Tokyo |
Kyushu Rokuon Centre | Japan | Fukuoka |
Upto Creation | Japan | Fukuoka |
Studio Mix | Japan | Nagoya |
Studio MA - ajima | Japan | Naha |
Buena Vista Int'l.** | Korea | Seoul |
Seoul Broadcast | Korea | Seoul |
Korean Broadcast | Korea | Seoul |
Korean B'casting | Korea | Daegu-City |
Moon Hwa Broadcast | Korea | Seoul |
Opuz Studios | Singapore | Singapore |
Home Box Office | Singapore | Singapore |
Asia Broadcast | Singapore | Singapore |
Audio Arts | South Africa | Sandton |
B&S Studio | South Africa | Vlaeberg |
Video Lab | South Africa | Cape Town |
Audio Lab | South Africa | Johannesburg |
The Nut House | South Africa | Cape Town |
TAG Post Production | South Africa | Blairgowrie |